Resource & Emissions Management

Consolidate resource and emissions data across your portfolio.


Manually capturing utility bills and calculating Scopes 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions for reporting can be challenging when data is staggered across multiple platforms, systems, and regions. Using static spreadsheets makes it error-prone and incredibly difficult to monitor and manage your sustainability performance on an ongoing basis. In addition, there's no easy way to identify consumption, cost, and benchmark variances. Plus, normalizing energy consumption for usage comparison is very time-consuming for organizations with large portfolios of energy-intensive facilities.

The Hartree Resource Management service provides a complete suite of tools for analysis and reporting applications of Scope 1 and 2 Emissions data. Hartree supports applications involving the full range of resources, including electricity, natural gas, solar, storage, oil, waste, and water. Not only does it manage resources from multiple facilities, but it also helps to make smarter decarbonization and energy efficiency decisions across your portfolio.

How is your facility performing compared to 2008? Or to a similar building in the US?

Module features

Utility Analysis

Utility Analysis

Analyze and report Benchmark, utility cost, consumption, and savings across individual and groups of sites.

Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion

Convert consumption into different units to support your reporting requirements without the complexity of error-prone manual calculations.



Hartree's built-in regression engine normalizes energy performance to quantity and report savings.

Utility connector

Utility connector

Integrate virtually with any utility provider using our RESTful API.

Key Benefits

Save Time

Save Time

Hartree's suite of tools captures the data throughout the year and stores it in an infrastructure to support your building and portfolio analytics.

Improve Efficiency

Improve Efficiency

You can't manage what you don't measure! Compare the actual to normalized energy consumption across facilities to identify and prioritize outliers for efficiency improvements.

Reduce Energy Costs

Reduce Energy Costs

Set and track the performance of your energy efficiency targets to help accelerate the delivery of your decarbonization goals.

Emissions Reductions

Emissions Reductions

Tracking Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by site and region accelerates decarbonization.

Related modules

Field data Collection
Field data Collection

Field data collection is a time-consuming process with much scope for something to go wrong, which is why we propose digitizing the field data collection process at Hartree.

Remote Assessment
Remote Assessment

Hartree is trying to find the sweet spot between rapidly deploying assessments based on limited information and ensuring accurate information.

Data Analytics
Data Analytics

Hartree analyzes historical or high-frequency real-time data from smart devices to identify trends, correlations, outliers, operational improvements, and cost-reduction opportunities.

Next steps

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Get a closer look at Hartree to learn more about how our products can help accelerate your ESG strategy.

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